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A member registered Dec 10, 2021

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Do you guys have a rough idea when you might actually be done the game? I was a patron supporter in the past but left after the whole patreon exodus debacle happened. I occasionally grab the demos here, and it's been awesome to see the progress, but at the same time it feels like this game is on track to be completed sometime somewhere around 2045.

Which you know I can kind of get. This is definitely probably the best H game currently in development ever I'd say. It looks incredible, and I get there is a lot of work behind that. Still though, any rough thoughts? I'm not asking for a release date or anything. Just wondering if you think it'll be like 5+ years or not.

Weren't the demos 5 bucks before?

(1 edit)

So just finished the orc town area and was in the area with all the blood colored crystals. I examined the area to the top left of Priscilla and after some dialogue box that somehow glitched and gave me an empty text box that I couldn't clear and so was stuck there. Not a huge issue since I just saved, so restarted the game.

Slightly larger issue: I can't load the save file. It lets me select the file and select load, but when I get the prompt to load with the green X or Red C to cancel nothing happens. The game just refuses to load.

Looking at my file stats on the bottom right though something suggests to me that my progress wasn't really saving properly. It shows no money, no stars, and 0 playtime. Are there bugs with the save spots? It always said saved every time I interacted with them.

Playing on the latest Windows version with a MSI Vector GP76 laptop.

Any chance you can clarify when that call happens? Or what maybe locks that call out? Micheal never mentions anyone named Christine and I've been sure not to have Alice break up with him.